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Terms of Use

The RULES to use my  Deviant Art stock..
1 You don't need to ask permission to use my stock in your manipulations or drawings.
2 You do have to credit me in your artist comment and put a link back to my stock ( also when you use the psd files of the brushes or the abr brushes)
3 Don't make photoshopbrushes of my pspbrushes, and put them up as your own.
4 Don't make brushes of my stock, and stock from my stock ( backgrounds & tubes etc ),I will do that myself.
5 You may NOT use them outside DeviantArt, Unless you NOTE me and ASK permission. I usually grant permission if you ask
sometimes its best for permissions to ask it on my artaccount here on DA ( :iconazurylipfe)
6 You Have to NOTE me or leave a comment under the photo or brushes you have used, so that i can take a look and fav it. If I find time to do so..
7 No need to ask a print permission for DA Artists , They can submit any time for prints here on DA.
8 HOWEVER outside DA you still need to ask permission before you put it up as print and to use my stock.

For commercial use, contact me. I usually grant permission but i prefer to know when stock is used in a commercial piece::)


Contact me if you have questions. I will get back at you as soon as ik possible can.


Have fun using my stock:)


1: Where can I buy your Mystic Dreamer Tarot?

- You can find the Mystic Dreamer tarot on Amazon, Llewellyn worldwide shop and many more.. You can support me by buying one:)

2: DO you do Commissions?

- Yes , But don't contact me if you want Free commissions. I have to pay bills to .

3: Can I buy one of your paintings?

Yes you can, but they are not cheap. On a rare occassion I probably sell one.  You can try to convince me to sell one, but it will be hard.

4: Will you ever create a new Tarot Deck?

I will, don't know when but I will someday. I started on one, but it doesn't feel right for the moment,. And i have an idea for one called The doomed Tarot.  , but that one is on brainstorming modus, meaning writing down every bit of inspiration and idea's.


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